@extends('layouts.app', ['title' => __tr('Dashboard')]) @php $vendorIdOrUid = $vendorIdOrUid ?? getVendorUid() @endphp @section('content') @if(hasCentralAccess()) @include('users.partials.header', [ 'title' => __tr('__vendorTitle__ Dashboard', [ '__vendorTitle__' => $vendorInfo['title'] ?? getVendorSettings('title') ]), 'description' => '', // 'class' => 'col-lg-7' ]) @else @include('users.partials.header', [ 'title' => __tr('Hi __userFullName__,', [ '__userFullName__' => getUserAuthInfo('profile.first_name') ]), 'description' => '', // 'class' => 'col-lg-7' ]) @endif
@if(isDemo() and isDemoVendorAccount() and hasVendorAccess())

{{ __tr('Demo Account') }}

{{ __tr('This is the demo account while you can test all the functionalities, you can not receive message on your mobile device') }}

{{ __tr('If you want to test system with your own number, you can simply create your own account, and test it with your Facebook WhatsApp Test Number which is very easy. You can follow the steps given in Quick Start on dashboard') }}

@endif @include('layouts.headers.cards') @if(hasVendorAccess() or $vendorViewBySuperAdmin )
@if (!getVendorSettings('facebook_app_id') or !getVendorSettings('whatsapp_access_token') or !getVendorSettings('whatsapp_business_account_id') or !getVendorSettings('current_phone_number_number') or !getVendorSettings('current_phone_number_id') or !getVendorSettings('webhook_verified_at'))
{{ __tr('You are not ready to send messages, WhatsApp Setup is Incomplete') }}
{{ __tr('Complete your WhatsApp Cloud API setup') }}
@endif @if (getVendorSettings('whatsapp_access_token_expired'))
{{ __tr('Your WhatsApp token seems to be expired, Generate new token, prefer creating permanent token and save.') }}
{{ __tr('Cloud API setup') }}
{{ __tr('Quick Start') }}

  1. {{ __tr('Login to your Facebook Account') }}
  2. {!! __tr('Complete Setup as Shown in __cloudApiSetupLink__', [ '__cloudApiSetupLink__' => ''. __tr('Cloud API Setup').'' ]) !!}
  3. {!! __tr('Manage and Sync WhatsApp templates at __manageContactsLink__',[ '__manageContactsLink__' => ''. __tr('Manage WhatsApp Templates').'' ]) !!}
  4. {!! __tr('Create your contact groups using __manageGroupsLink__', [ '__manageGroupsLink__' => ''. __tr('Manage Groups').'' ]) !!}
  5. {!! __tr('Create your Contacts or Upload excel file with predefined exportable template at __manageContactsLink__',[ '__manageContactsLink__' => ''. __tr('Manage Contacts').'' ]) !!}
  6. {!! __tr('Create & Schedule your Campaigns at __manageCampaignsLink__',[ '__manageCampaignsLink__' => ''. __tr('Manage Campaigns').'' ]) !!}

@endif @push('head')